James Igoe Marine Survey, LLC.

Pre-purchase and Insurance:

Pre-purchase and insurance: The vessel survey is written to ABYC, NFPA 302, USCG and applicable CFRs. The marine survey inspection covers structural integrity, as well as all on- board systems: propulsion, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, tankage, electronics, safety equipment and additional equipment. The survey report is very comprehensive and meets requirements for finance and insurance considerations. Please note that the surveyor must have a qualified operator on board during sea trial. The surveyor must be free to examine all operational equipment while under way. The vessel must have all USCG conforming safety equipment on board. Registration and appropriate paperwork must be on board the vessel. The surveyor will not sea trial a gasoline vessel that does not have operational bilge blowers. The surveyor reserves the right to not attend a sea trial due to an opinion of unsafe vessel or weather conditions.

Damage Survey:

This survey involves a thorough inspection, repair estimate, cause of damage and an itemized report. This may be done at the request of the owner or the insurance underwriter.

Vessel Appraisal:

This is a comprehensive report of appraisal of the vessel and accessories. This may be for vessel donation, estate settlements and other legal proceedings. I am currently USPAP Certified (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice).